Lots of women have grand visions to be the best professional, boss, friend, mom (fill in the blank) they could possibly be. Too soon, these ambitious, beautiful women are taken away from the world by a silent, deadly disease. This disease creeps in like a magician’s trick leaving loved ones in awe. In some cases, families are surprised that a young, seemingly healthy woman was taken away without real warning. This silent killer is heart disease. Its signs are different in women than men, which didn’t get a great deal of research or attention until a few short years ago, thanks to the Go Red for Women movement by the American Heart Association and heavily supported by Macy’s.
In my quest to contribute to my community, I learned about a volunteer opportunity for the Go Red for Women luncheon in Orange County, CA. I raised my hand to check in guests, provide handouts and give directions to vendors. In the midst of a beautiful sea of red I heard remnants of dialogue about loved ones lost, women at the peak of their careers, moms, sisters, aunts gone at a moment’s notice, young and elderly. The stats are startling.
Heart Disease (including Coronary Heart Disease, Hypertension, and Stroke) remains to be the No. 1 cause of death in the US.
Coronary heart disease accounts for 1 in 7 deaths in the US, killing over 360,000 people a year.
About 790,000 people in the US have heart attacks each year. Of those, about 114,000 will die.
Approximately every 40 seconds, an American will have a heart attack.
Sharing this information with my family and friends is important. It’s knowledge that can save lives. Although there is still more research to be done, we know more now than ever before. The American Heart Association is making quantum leaps towards providing funds for research and education. Some accomplishments include:
Funded 13 Nobel Prize winners and several important medical breakthroughs, including techniques and standards for CPR, the first artificial heart valve, implantable pacemakers, cholesterol inhibitors, microsurgery and drug-coated stents.
Funds more research into cardiovascular diseases and stroke than any organization except for the federal government.
Funded more than $4 billion in research since 1949.
In 2015-2016, AHA committed to funding 980 new research projects worth more than $163 million. However, they did not have the additional $116 million to cover 766 other highly meritorious grant and fellowship applications. This means many scientific projects were shelved, and the knowledge that would result from them deferred.

2016 Wine and Art Saves Hearts Event on Red Mountain
In continuing the fight against heart disease and to help provide funding towards this great work, Frichette hosts Wine & Art Saves Hearts on Red Mountain on Thursday, February 23. The first priority of this event is to educate women on this silent disease and second, provide a financial donation to the American Heart Association. And third, to provide a culturally diverse art environment for attendees to meet artists, enjoy wine and connect. The event is complimentary to 60 guests and features:
Meet the Artists
Cameron Milton
Chris Blevins
Davin Diaz
Greg Frichette
Jason Tomlinson
Jordan Chaney
Martha Haines
How Heart Disease Changed Our Family – Emily Haines
Nurses Table – Do you know your numbers?
Healthy Bites by Ethos Bakery & Cafe
RSVP By Calling or Textin g (509) 426-3227 or Click Here